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Mandela Day Special Teachers BRICK

The Mandela Day Special Teachers BRICK consist of all the 7 services/products plus an additional 5 copies of the My Maths Buddy dictionaries that can be used with the learners when helping them with Maths as part of the program.

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Teacher BRICK consist of:

My Maths Buddy Teachers program and materials and is broken down as follows:

  1. My Maths Buddy Effective Maths Teaching seminar
  2. My Maths Buddy Teacher Kit
  3. Amazing Maths Words Workshop No. 1
  4. Amazing Maths Words Workshop No. 2
  5. My Maths Buddy Club seminar and materials
  6. Online Support Monthly activities for 10 months
  7. Performance Monitoring for the duration of the project – 6 months

The Mandela Day Special Teachers BRICK consist of all the 7 above services/products plus additional 5 copies of the My Maths Buddy dictionaries that can be used with the learners when helping them with Maths as part of the program.

Mandela Day Special Teachers BRICK