1 Book 1 Learner

About Us

My Maths Buddy One Book One Learner Project is a South African Mathematics Foundation initiative launched with the purpose of empowering Maths teachers with the skills that would make their teaching of Maths effective and their learners winning with Maths. Both being empowered by effective resources and knowledge they receive as part of the My Maths Buddy Schools program.

The Project focuses directly on the key area of education that stimulates the economy – Mathematics, it’s understanding and improving results in schools.

You Have the Power to Change Childrens Lives for the Better

The Team

The My Maths Buddy Program delivery team is dedicated to make sure that the projects run smoothly and that they produce excellent results.

Ms. Busisiwe Makhoba

Our delivery team is headed by an experienced Program Manager, Ms. Busisiwe Makhoba, who makes sure that the projects are scheduled on time and all logistics are in place for these projects to be successful. Proper due diligence, assessments, and performance monitoring is part of what she and her team perform with every project that we do.

She is also the one who will be in touch with you regularly, updating you on the project as it moves along, supplying you with monthly progress reports as well as other key reports throughout the duration of the project.

Mr. Brandin Prolad

Our Training Manager Mr. Brandin Prolad is very knowledgeable in the field of learning subjects with full assimilation and understanding of the data.

He knows what Maths teachers and learners need and want and he makes sure his team delivers just that. He makes sure that the teachers and learners are winning on the My Maths Buddy School Program.

Mr. Gordon Turpin

Mr. Gordon Turpin, Assistant Training Manager has over 20 years’ experience in education working with teachers and learners in groups as well as individually. 

His personal care and dedication to make sure that every person wins always stands out. He personally delivers part of the My Maths Buddy program for teachers to make sure they win.

All our presenters are hand picked for their high skills in communication and ability to work with the groups of people, especially learners. They all have years of experience in presenting training seminars and workshops.

Mr. Robert Van Der Feyst

Mr. Cameron Wade

Ms. Shaleen Wohrnitz

If bigger or more projects are required to be delivered in a year, we have the capacity to expand our delivery personnel.

They Need Your Help!

Other Locations


123, Dev Plaza, 34th Street, New Delhi, 110011


16 Munique Rd, Birdsville QLD 4482, Australia


5th Floor, St Adams Towers, P. O. Box 1234, Nairobi, Kenya

United States

123 S Westmore Rd, Lombard, IL 60148, United States